Special features of London weather today

London’s moderately marine climate remains mild throughout the year.

          Insignificant temperature fluctuations and acceptable humidity level is a merit of a favorable location of the city. The Gulf stream ocean current influences the weather greatly. You can find out London weather today on the weather forecasting services.
The end of June is pleasant due to the optimal weather conditions. The air temperature reaches 20 degrees Celsius with the humidity level of 70 %. From year to year, the beginning of summer becomes hotter, but the conditions remain comfortable. Detailed information about today’s weather in London will help you to prepare for the rain in advance.
          July is the warmest month. Rainfall is rare, so its amount doesn’t exceed 50 mm per month. During the daytime, the air warms up to +23 degrees without dropping below +14 at night. Summer in London is warm, but not hot. Despite the predictability of the climate, there is still probability of showers and rains.

Searching for information about weather for the week in London
          The weather forecast will help you to prepare for a picnic or other outdoor activity. Tips from the weather for the week in London service will help you to plan a weekend with your family. Using the website’s functions, users can get the following information:

  • expected air temperature;
  • rainfall probability;
  • solar activity;
  • recommendations on choosing clothes.

          Besides the information about temperature for the week in London, on the website, you can find a forecast for one day or a whole month. The weather conditions outside the city may differ, as the urban area affects the indicators.

Climate and Birmingham weather
           The city is located in the moderate marine climate area. Just like in other British regions, the weather is warm and comfortable. In the center of Birmingham, one can find a “heat island”. This phenomenon means that the air temperature may differ by several degrees when moving towards the city outskirts. You can find information about Birmingham weather using special services, such as Meteoprog.co.uk.
           The air temperature is 18–21 degrees Celsius. Rainfall is quite rare (no more than 3 times), so its amount doesn’t exceed 50 mm per month. The western wind raises the air temperature slightly. Partial cloud cover reduces the solar activity, but you shouldn’t forget about sunscreen. The optimal weather in Birmingham will remain until November.

Claire James
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