Codeigniter, an open-source software, is a faster way to develop web applications. Each session management progress as sending emails, submitting files, etc. is provided by this PHP framework. It also controls and offsets the necessary amount of code for your projects. But the new version of Codeigniter is not eco-friendly in manner. People talk about the pros of this framework, but they will never make you aware of those facts that actually matter. We are providing 10 sides of this software developing program that may help you to understand why Codeigniter is not required.
The top 10 reasons are as follows below:
- While modern libraries are available in other frameworks, Codeigniter only has limited and built-in developing tools and libraries that make the programmers less interested in it. The properties of this are good only with its way of developing web applications.
- Only necessary libraries for the applications can be installed in this software PHP framework. No expansion of advanced frameworks can be made according to the requirements of the developers. The stipulation regarding these facts is also bounded.
- Maintenance and modifications of Codeigniter consume much more time as the codes are not decipherable. Other PHP frameworks offer clean sheets of code that require less time for the programmers. The only responsible reason behind this default in this application is the lack of structural up-gradation of the codes that require to be modified in time.
- Codeigniter modular separation agrees with the fact of the usage of code modules according to your project application. But this modular separation requires individual positions to be applicable. In Codeigniter, an extra amount of hours is required to configure the location for each modular separation.
- Naming flexibility to different files and folders is unavailable here. Due to the common conventional approach to naming those folders individually, the advanced autoloader naming feature is absent in this framework.
- To develop your kernel files application, sometimes the development requires efficacious functional properties. But the developers of Codeigniter have been moved forward to cease the remaining features constant while developing the application.
- Today’s PHP development framework like Lavarel provides strong characters to be built in the development program whereas Codeigniter, the lighter weight web, faces a lack of position to put those features.
- Best Codeigniter module development company provides a security system that you can opt out of as per your requirements. It is basically beneficial for the developers, but in comparison with other PHP frameworks, this software operating system has fewer tools and services to secure your application.
- ORM or Object Relational Mapping is one of the special risk assessments that are much more needed in this sort of application. But Codeigniter can not confer any facility regarding this database mapping management.
- Like Python and Ruby, the Template engine system is an easy fixing path that implies back-end code into your application and it further allows in transferring actual variables into HTML files. But Codeigniter does not propose this feature which could also make this framework more user-friendly.